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Kansa Massage

June 13


Ayurvedic Detox Treatments

The Charaka Samhita Sutrastrana Chapter 17 verse 12 attribute specific qualities to bronze by virtue of which it performs its actions.
Massages with a Kansa wand using herbal oil stimulates various fascial Marma points to get the additional beneficial effect apart from that derived effects from massage with the fingers alone.

Kansa wand massage is a quite unlike traditional indian pressure massage to stimulate various Marma points or vital energy points and initiates the healing process.

The word Kansae is derived from the Sanskrit word Kansya which means bronze. Kansya (bell metal or bronze) is an important alloy of copper and tin known as Misra Loha.
 The ancient Ayurvedic texts attribute specific qualities to bronze by virtue of which it performs its actions.

Kansa pacifies Kapha and Pitta dosha. Therefor it has a curative effect on lymph stasis, edema Kansa wand massage uses massage to stimulate various Marma points or vital energy points and initiates the healing process.

The word Kansae is derived from the Sanskrit word Kansya which means bronze. Kansya (bell metal or bronze) is an important alloy of copper and tin known as Misra Loha.
 The ancient Ayurvedic texts attribute specific qualities to bronze by virtue of which it performs its actions.

  • get instant beauty enhancement and breathe new life into your skin to look younger, more alive and vibrant
  • untergo a one-of-a-kind experience of healing, deep relaxation, complete rejuvenation and revitalization with revived energy - all at the same time
  • combat the effects of skin pollution, stress and internal imbalances through an enjoyable way of releasing heat, acidity and toxins through your skin
  • there is no use of chemicals, electronic gadgets or any kind of unnatural or harmful radiations
  • instant results of tightening, beautifully glowing skin, spontaneous relaxation and rejuvenation
Kansa wand uses massage to stimulate various vital energy points and initiates the healing process. Kansa massages are absolut relaxing....

Ayurvedic Kansa Abdomen Massage
- detoxing and releasing

Abdominal massage produces many health benefits and not all of them are limited to the tummy area. This process can heal momentary ailments such as constipation and bloating and when performed regularly, abdominal kansa massage can be a contribution factor to lifelong wellness.

Weight loss
Abdominal massage using warm oil can help aid in weight loss. Its an effective intervention to reduce abdominal subcutaneous fat, waist circumference and improve body image in post menopausal women. It also stimulates new energy and vitality and has a positive effect on our muscles and metabolism and stimulates our self-healing powers.

By increasing stimulation of blood flow to the abdominal region and physically stimulating the intestines, you can help keep your digestive system running at peak efficiency by adding abdominal massage to your daily regimen. Bloating, pain, feeling full and even pain radiating to your legs and lower back can be treated with this massage.

The duration of an abdominal massage is 35 minutes
Price: 45 Euros

Ayurvedic Kansa Footmassage - initiate the healing process

A footmassage ensures relaxation from head to toe. Wether a gentle touch or a massage of the reflex zones - the whole body is addressed when we devote ourselves to our feet.

A foot massage is ideal for stress and headache patients, it also stimulates new energy and vitality and has a positive effect on our muscles and metabolism and stimulates our self-healing powers.

Rubbing Kansa over the feet is one of the most traditional uses of Kansa for enhanced wellness. Traditionally, Ayurvedic physicians would send families home with a Kansa foot tool in order for someone in the family to rub the Kansa metal on the feet of the client every night.

Marma (acupressure) massage is then performed to work on specific acupressure points – this is a traditional Indian therapy, and is derived from a branch of the martial arts. There are 107 main Marma pressure points around the body, 14 of which can be found on the lower legs and feet. Working these points can help to relieve certain conditions around the body and free the energy flow.
  • It helps to balance the ayurvedic doshas Vata, Pitta and Kapha
  • It improves blood and lymphatic circulation
  • It helps to relieve eyestrain and tired eyes
  • It enhances the effect of any reflexology series or form of massage offered
  • It creates a calming and cooling effect in the body generally
  • The soft contour of the wand relaxes the entire foot
  • It helps the person feel light and energized
  • The sensation is pleasurable and calms the whole nervous system
  • It can have soothing effects on mild pains
  • It erases stress and tiredness in the feet or any muscle group
  • It helps to relax the whole body and calm the mind so you feel clearer and are able to rest or go out there and shine in the world
  • It reportedly makes it easier to fall into deep, relaxing sleep
  • It improves the condition of ligaments and muscles of the lower lims
  • It helps to detoxify the internal organs
  • It helps in the reduction of stress, anxiety and depression
  • It enhances mental activities
  • It restores and balances the body`s innate energy
The duration of a Kansa footmassage is 25 minutes
 Price: 25 Euro

Abdominal Massage- Activation of your sensibility

Abdominal massage has been used for a variety of problems related to nutrition and gut function. These include the treatment of constipation, diarrhea, abdominal distention, incontinence, malnutrition, and prevention of gallstones.

Positive effects of abdominal massage included:

  • Less discomfort with bowel movements
  • Fewer hard, lumpy stools
  • Reduced feeling of incomplete evacuation (feeling like they still had to go)
  • Decreased sensation of a blockage
  • Decreased manual interventions (this usually means inserting fingers into the rectum to stimulate a bowel movement)
There is evidence to suggest that the gut massage may be beneficial to help treat depression and anxiety. Massage should not replace other treatment methods. But it can be a tool in the toolbox for many disorders of the brain, and so also perhaps those of the gut-brain axis.

The duration of the Abdominal Massage is 50 minutes
 Price: 90 Euro.

Read more about Manual Pain Relief


ayurveda, detox, detoxpractice, healing, kansa

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